Photo of Jin Woo Kim

On 14 September 2022, as part of a suite of regulatory changes targeting cross-border supply chains, the European Commission presented its proposal for a Forced Labour Regulation.

In November 2023, the European Parliament adopted its position on the Commission’s proposal, followed by the Council of the EU adopting its General Approach in January 2024. After

On 14 December 2023, the two EU co-legislators, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament, provisionally reached an agreement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D). In essence, the Directive sets out an obligation for companies to comply with human rights and environmental due diligence and provides for an enforcement mechanism with

With less than two weeks until the start of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) transitional period (1 October 2023 – 31 December 2025), the European Commission published the CBAM Implementing Regulation on the reporting obligations in the Official Journal of the European Union on 15 September 2023. During the transitional period, declarants are required

On 13 September 2023, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced in her annual State of the Union Address that the European Commission (Commission) will launch an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese subsidies to electric vehicle (EV) makers in China under EU trade rules. The Commission’s concern is that “global markets are now flooded with

During her annual State of the European Union speech on 13 September 2023, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced that “the Commission is launching an anti-subsidy investigation into electric vehicles coming from China.” An anti-subsidy measure (i.e., countervailing duties) is one of the trade defence instruments that a World Trade

The text of the new European Battery Regulation (referred to as the Regulation) has now received formal approval from both the European Parliament (14 June) and the Council of the EU (10 July). Aiming to ensure the safety, sustainability, and competitiveness of batteries, the Regulation will target the entire life cycle of batteries, from their

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a measure to ensure that imported goods pay a price for their carbon emissions that is comparable to the price paid by EU domestic producers under the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The CBAM Regulation entered into force on 17 May 2023. During the transitional period (1 October 2023 – 31 December 2025), declarants must submit quarterly CBAM reports to the CBAM Transitional Registry no later than one month after the end of the relevant quarter.

On 13 June 2023, the European Commission communicated a draft implementing regulation (IR) on reporting obligations. Below, we review the key elements of the draft IR. Interested parties can submit their comments to the Commission until 11 July 2023.


The CBAM Regulation entered into force on 17 May 2023. During the transitional period (1 October 2023 – 31 December 2025), declarants must submit quarterly CBAM reports that include: (i) the total quantity of imported goods; (ii) the direct and indirect emissions embedded in the imported goods; and (iii) any carbon price effectively paid in the country of origin for the embedded emissions. The CBAM Regulation empowers the Commission to adopt an implementing regulation  on reporting obligations. On 13 June 2023,the European Commission published a draft IR on reporting obligations, which will be applied during the transitional period.

To understand the basic features of the CBAM, please see our previous alert.Continue Reading EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: consultation open until 11 July on the reporting measures to apply during the transitional period

In May 2023, the European Union (EU) adopted Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 on the making available on the Union market and the export from the Union of certain commodities and products associated with deforestation and forest degradation (the Regulation). The Regulation was officially published on 9 June 2023 and will enter into force on 29

The UK government has opened an exploratory consultation to consider a range of possible policy measures to mitigate carbon leakage and to ensure the correct policy infrastructure is in place to decarbonize.

In a recent post, our team examines the potential measures, like a domestic carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), that the UK government

The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a measure to ensure that goods importers pay a price for the resulting carbon emissions that is comparable to the price paid by EU domestic producers. During a transition period (starting 1 October 2023), EU importers will have to comply with reporting requirements.

In our alert on